Newest Arrivals!

French Radish


French Radish

Bark Mantis


Bark Mantis

Bush Cricket


Bush Cricket

Eucyrtus Glorious Beetle


Eucyrtus Glorious Beetle

Sweet Cherry


Sweet Cherry

Lemons Iron Tray

Les Ottomans

Lemons Iron Tray

Mushroom Iron Tray

Les Ottomans

Mushroom Iron Tray

Black Bumblebee Iron Tray

Les Ottomans

Black Bumblebee Iron Tray


Stewart House Stories

The Natural World

The Natural World

We tend to think of our homes as wholly different from the natural world. And in some obvious respects, they are: houses are a human construction,...

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In Support of Bribery

In Support of Bribery

I am an unapologetic fan of bribery. Not the transactional type - a fistful of cash in exchange for some insidious deed - but the act of rewarding...

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I’ve always loved the word verdant which generally refers to grass and other growing foliage - but which suggests a sort of lushness that feels ap...

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